We are an independently owned and operated business. We are bound by the National Privacy principles. We collect
personal information about you in this form to assess your Application for a residential tenancy. We may need to collect
information about you from your previous Landlords or Letting Agents, your current employer and your referee. We will
also check whether any details of tenancy defaults by you are held on a tenancy default database. We use databases
operated by Trading Reference Australia (TRA), TICA Default Tenancy Control Pty Ltd (TICA) and National Tenancy
Database (NTD). You can find out more information about these databases on their websites and Your consent to us collecting this information is set out below, in the Privacy
Consent section.
The personal information you provide in this Application or our Agency collects from other sources is necessary for
Everest Realty to verify your identity, to process and evaluate the Application and to manage the tenancy. If the
Application is successful, personal information collected about you in this Application and during the course of your
Tenancy, may be disclosed for the purpose of which it was collected to other parties including the Landlord/s, referees,
other Agents and third party operators of tenancy reference databases. Information already held on tenancy databases
may also be disclosed to Everest Realty and/or the Landlord. If you enter into a Residential Tenancy Agreement and if
you fail to comply with your obligations under this agreement, the facts and other relevant personal information collected
about you during the course of your tenancy may also be disclosed to the Landlord, third party operators of tenancy
databases and/or other Agents.
You have the right to access personal information that we hold about you by contacting our Privacy Officer. You can also
Correct this information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. If your Application is not successful it will be
destroyed to comply with privacy legislation.
If you do not complete this form or do not sign the consent below then your Application for residential tenancy may not
Be considered by the Landlord of the relevant property or, if considered, may be rejected, due to insufficient information
To assess the Application.
I, the Applicant acknowledge that I have read the above Privacy Disclosure Statement of Everest Realty, I authorize
Everest Realty to collect information about me from: My previous Letting Agents and/or Landlords; My personal referees, employers and all other references on this Application; Any Tenancy Default Database (including TRA, TICA & NTD) which may contain personal information about
me. I also authorize Everest Realty to disclose details about any defaults by me under the tenancy to which this
Application relates to, any tenancy default database to which it subscribes to include TRA, TICA and NTD.
I authorize Everest Realty to refer my name and contact details to an arranger or service provider including trades people
(to attend to work required at this property), salespeople (primary and secondary Agents), valuers, the Landlord, other
Agents, database operators, other Property Managers, strata manager offices, insurance companies, financial services
(To assist with home loan Applications, if required in the future) and to authorities by law.
I agree to be contacted by electronic and/or SMS methods.
I/We have been advised that the Consumer Affairs Booklet can be obtained from the Office of Fair Trading or Rental and
Strata Services.